CCW's 2021-2022 COVID-19 Safety Protocols

As we start of our season and the resumption of in-person rehearsals, CCW would like to share our updated COVID-19 safety measures and we are responding to its effect on our community. Along with vaccination, masks, distancing, routine testing, and other mitigation measures, see how we are keeping our students safe this season.

This season is bound to look and feel a bit different than in the past. But the Chorus is hopeful that we will overcome these challenges together, and are poised to have a great year!

COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Requirements for Ages 12+

  • All staff must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 per the Mayor’s order
  • Students age 12 and older must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. If there is a reason why a student cannot be vaccinated, valid exception requests will be considered.
  • If a student has a vaccination exemption, they must test using a PCR test every other week.
  • CCW will make a determination about boosters when they become available and recommended for the general population.
  • COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Requirements for Ages <12
  • As the vaccine becomes available to children younger than 12, the requirement for full vaccination against COVID-19 will apply, with a grace period to allow for vaccine appointments and the necessary time to pass between the shots and provided immunity.
  • Students younger than age 12 must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR or antigen test every other week. Testing administered by schools, including pools, will be accepted.

Health Screening

  • All participants at in-person activities must complete a day-of health screening questionnaire to participate.
  • Anyone experiencing symptoms of illness or who has a known exposure to COVID-19 will not be permitted to attend rehearsal.
  • Temperature checks will be conducted upon arrival at the rehearsal site. Anyone with a fever (defined as 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher) will be asked to leave the facility.
  • CCW asks that families report any positive cases within their households, and follow quarantine and testing protocols.

Mitigation Measures

  • Everyone must remain masked while indoors. Masks must be at least two-ply fabric, properly fitting over the nose and mouth, with no vents.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available in all rehearsal rooms.
  • Students will be spaced at least three feet apart, and as far as feasible, but there will be no COVID-related cap on the number of students in an ensemble. CCW's new rehearsal rooms are large enough to accommodate fully-enrolled ensembles while maintaining at least three feet between the chairs.
  • Every effort will be made to keep ensembles from intersecting with each other to limit each person’s exposure.
  • Each rehearsal will use assigned seating charts and attendance tracking to support notification in the event there is a positive case identified.
  • The HVAC system at our venue is a “Dedicated Outside Air System” (DOAS) that brings outside air to each space, limiting return airflow recirculation from one area to another. All air handlers have MERV-8 pre-filters and MERV-13 after-filters.
  • In the event of a Positive COVID-19 Case, CCW will follow DC Health guidance:
  • A “close contact” is defined as someone within six feet of an infected person for more than 15 minutes within two days of illness onset or positive test result. Students are not considered close contacts if within six feet of an infected student if both were wearing well-fitting masks and other mitigation factors (such as distancing) are in place.
  • The CCW singer community will be notified if there is a case within the Chorus, and the affected ensemble will be notified. The identity of the infected individual will not be disclosed.
  • Unvaccinated choristers who have been exposed (close contacts) will be required to quarantine for at least seven days and test on or after day five, or ten days if they choose not to test.
  • Vaccinated close contacts do not need to be quarantined if they are not showing symptoms, but it is recommended that they be tested three to five days after exposure.
  • CCW will provide online access to rehearsals for students who are ill or in quarantine.
  • CCW staff will receive paid sick leave in the event of illness or quarantine.
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