What could we do if we set aside our egos, shared the stage, and passed the mic? Our upcoming youth choral symposium, taking place from July 1-3 at the University of Maryland, will explore this question by offering opportunities for different voices from across the youth choral continuum to share their knowledge and wisdom.
An idea that grew from a collaboration between the Children’s Chorus of Washington, Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir,
Young Voices of the Philippines, and
Toronto Children’s Chorus, the Voices Together symposium will feature an exciting line-up of choral experts presenting sessions that range from workshops to lectures covering topics from repertoire to rehearsal strategies for K-12 choral educators and conductors.
Whether you are just starting a school choir, or you are leading an established community chorus, the Voices Together symposium will be a place where you can learn, share, and contribute to the conversation.
DC is known as a chorus town, with one of the highest number of choruses per capita in the country. However, youth choruses are often given less weight in the choral landscape, or considered to be merely training opportunities intended to produce capable adult singers. At CCW, we believe that youth can perform on the same level as adult professionals given the right support. To achieve this, educators must have knowledge and training to empower them to lead their choruses with confidence and care.
While we serve a broad geographic region covering over 50 zip codes and our student body represents over 100 schools, we cannot possibly serve every young singer in the city. One of the best tools we have to reach more students and encourage more singing is to partner with educators. This increases our impact exponentially. The symposium is one way we envision expanding our reach beyond DC, creating opportunities for choral directors from anywhere to build their skills, learn how to select and teach more diverse repertoire, and be more effective in the rehearsal room.
The symposium will conclude with a joint performance by the four partner choirs, which will showcase the “finished product” of the strategies and approaches from the sessions in action. Our singers will then take their show on the road, traveling to New York City before concluding this experience with a performance at Carnegie Hall on July 8th.
It should be an inspiring convening, and we can’t wait to share space with those who attend!
Registration is open, and financial aid is available!